* VisitorAPI.js
* Copyright (c) 2013 Visisoft GbR. All rights reserved.
* How to build the documentation with JSDoc3:
* from inside the visitor_api/v2 directory execute the command line:
* jsdoc -d ~/Documents/Projects/yalst/yalst-trunk/Documentation/visitor_api/ api/<wildcard star>*.js ../Readme.md --verbose --tutorials ../tutorials/ --query projectTitle=yalst%20VisitorAPI
* Specifying the project title on the generated html pages requires these changes to the
* JSDoc template files:
function generate(title, docs, filename, resolveLinks) {
resolveLinks = resolveLinks === false ? false : true;
var docData = {
title: title,
docs: docs,
projectTitle: ""
if ( global.env.opts.query && (typeof global.env.opts.query.projectTitle == "string") )
docData.projectTitle = global.env.opts.query.projectTitle + ' - ';
var outpath = path.join(outdir, filename),
html = view.render('container.tmpl', docData);
////// repeat this for the generateTutorial function //////
<div id="main">
<h1 class="page-title"><?js= projectTitle ?><?js= title ?></h1>
<?js= content ?>
* ---- Syntax Highlighting ----
* should work out of the box since https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/pull/635
* -- previous workarounds:
* JSDoc 3.0 postprocessing:
* in index.html add class="prettyprint" to all <pre> tags which contain code
* JSDoc 3.3.0 postprocessing:
* Either
* Include jQuery then fire this script on document ready. The DOM must be loaded in order for the post-processing to have something to act upon. Of course if your target browsers are modern you can use pure JS and not jQuery.
* $('code').parent('pre').addClass('prettyprint source linenums');
* window.prettyPrint && prettyPrint();
* or
* use modified jsdoc/templates/default/tmpl/examples.tmpl + mainpage.tmpl
* (see: https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/pull/424#issuecomment-28893173)
* How to change the namespace when distributing for API version 2.0 integration code:
* 1. change 2x in build.js - or use custom build.js file
* 2. change GLOBAL_NAMESPACE in api/configuration.js
* 3. change the GLOBAL_NAMESPACE variable in the build.sh script
* 4. collect the Api under the global namespace with r.js (build script is ./build.sh)
* use "LiveSupport" as the namespace according to the documentation
* see http://requirejs.org/docs/faq-advanced.html#rename and
* http://links.yalst.de/?link=non-conflicting-use-of-requirejs
* Distributing as single file for API version 2.1 integration code:
* just change the name in build_namespaced.sh script
* @overview Documentation of the public yalst Visitor API
* @copyright Visisoft OHG 2013-2015
* @author Matthias Seemann
* @version 2.1
* @license License of the yalst Live Support Tool applies
define(['underscore', 'api/errorCodes', 'api/configuration', 'api/ManagedError', 'api/operatorAvailability', 'api/startLiveChat', 'api/startControlling', 'api/ChatObserver', 'api/shouldInvite', 'lib/devTools'],
function(_, ErrorCodes, Configuration, ManagedError, OperatorAvailability, StartLiveChat, startControlling, ChatObserver, shouldInvite, devTools)
* The yalst namespace
* @namespace LiveSupport
var LiveSupport = {}; // just for the documentation generator
* The Visitor API namespace
* @namespace LiveSupport.VisitorAPI
LiveSupport.VisitorAPI = {};
var api = {};
/// insert the sub-apis
api.ErrorCode = ErrorCodes;
api.startControlling = startControlling;
api.ChatObserver = ChatObserver;
api.shouldInvite = shouldInvite;
* Callback function provided by the implementer to receive the result of
* asynchronous API methods. <br/>
* Callbacks are always executed in a later run of the Javascript event loop like
* in Node's <tt>process.nextTick(callback)</tt> or <tt>setTimeout(callback, 0)</tt>, i.e.
* never immediately or synchronously to the method call.
* @callback resultCallback
* @param {*|LiveSupport.ManagedError|Error} resultOrError -
* The result of the asynchronous process or an
* API error. If the API call has failed <tt>resultOrError instanceof Error</tt> is true.
* The user callback taken by {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.startControlling}.
* @callback userCallback
* @param {Error} error Error set in case of a failure.
* @function onYalstVisitorAPILoaded
* @description
* Global function optionally provided by the implementer. Called by the api loader once when the VisitorAPI is
* loaded into the JavaScript context of the web page. This only applies when loading the VisitorAPI library via
* a <tt><script></tt> tag or <tt><script></tt> tag injection.
* @param {object} api the VisitorAPI (same as <tt>LiveSupport.VisitorAPI</tt>)
function onYalstVisitorAPILoaded(api){}
/// redefine the invoke method to directly execute the method rather than queueing it
* Calls API methods regardless whether the browser has finished loading the API or not.
* It can be used right after the its definition in the Javascript code which loads
* the Visitor API asynchronously into the web page.
* If the API is not yet loaded the calls are FIFO queued and
* invoked right when the API is ready.
* @param {string} method The method name like 'getVersionString'
* @param {array} parameterArray The parameters of the method or an empty array if there are no
* parameters required.
* @param {userCallback=} invocationCallback An optional invocationCallback function
* which receives the result of the immediately and synchronously executed method
* or an error
* @memberof LiveSupport.VisitorAPI
* @example
* LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.invoke('getVersionString', [], function(versionOrError){
* if (versionOrError instanceof Error){
* alert("Error :" + versionOrError.message; + "(#" + versionOrError.number + ")");
* }
* else{
* document.getElementById('apiVersion').innerHTML = "API version:" + versionOrError;
* }
* });
* @deprecated since version 2.1
api.invoke = function(method, parameterArray, invocationCallback)
if (typeof method != "string")
if (typeof invocationCallback == "function")
_.defer(_.bind(invocationCallback, null, new ManagedError(ErrorCodes.ParameterTypeError
, "invalid argument: 1 must be string")));
invocationCallback = invocationCallback || function(){};
if (!(method in api))
_.defer(_.bind(invocationCallback, null
, new ManagedError(ErrorCodes.CallToUndefinedMethod
, "Call to unknown method: " + method)
_.defer(_.bind(invocationCallback, null,
api[method].apply(null, parameterArray))
if (Configuration.configuration.DEBUG)
devTools.console.log("VisitorAPI set up.");
return api;