Source: chatButtonParameters.js

 * @file exposes static configuration data and web page specific custom data <br/>
 * Created on 22.09.2014 for the yalst-trunk project.
 * @copyright (c) 2014 Visisoft OHG. All rights reserved.
 * @version 1.0
 * @module chatButtonParameters
 * @typedef {Object} ChatButtonParameters
 * @property {String} apiUrl
 * @property {String} bubblePointerClasses
 * @property {String} siteNumber
 * @property {string|undefined} department
 * @property {string|undefined} chatName
 * @property {string|undefined} pickUpSessionId
 * @property {string|undefined} pickUpChatId
 * @property {string|undefined} pickUpDepartmentId
 * @property {string|undefined} referrer2
 * @property {Array.<{code: String, name: String}>} languages - only set if multiple front-end languages are supported
 * @property {boolean} skipStartForm
 * @property {string|undefined} chatType
 * @property {boolean} shouldSkipFormsWhenInvited
 * @property {boolean} doNotShowInvitation
 * @property {Boolean} showLanguageSwitcher
 * @property {String} invitationTitle
 * @property {"invite" | "auto-invite" | "load-based-auto-invite" | "page-logic-invite" | "no-invitation"} invitationType
 * @property {String} lang - locale identifier e.g. 'de'
 * @property {Array<{code: String, info: String}>} privacyInfos
 * @property {Boolean} privacyInfosChatWindow
 * @property {String} customTopImageUrl
 * @property {String} customBottomImageUrl
 * @property {Boolean} isWhiteLabel
 * @property {String} trackingCookie
 * @property {String} yalstAdLink
 * @property {String} resellerBranding
 * @property {boolean} shouldDisplayFinishedChatConversation
 * @property {String|undefined} visitorId

define([], function()
	/// predefined form fields and 'sessionfields' come as a string
	// for example "Ihre Postleitzahl : 00000 ; field2 : value2 "

	var explodeIntoTrimmedArrayOfPairs = compose( map( compose( map(trim), split(':') ) ), split(';') );

	var pairToKeyValue = function (obj, pair)
		obj[head(pair)] = last(pair);
		return obj;

	var withoutEmptyKeys = reject( compose(isEmpty, head) );

	var predefinedFormFieldsArray = withoutEmptyKeys(
		explodeIntoTrimmedArrayOfPairs(globalLiveSupportProviderChatConfiguration.predefinedWelcomingFormFields || "") );

	var sessionDataFieldsArray = withoutEmptyKeys(
		explodeIntoTrimmedArrayOfPairs(globalLiveSupportProviderChatConfiguration.sessionFields || "") );

	const chatApiUrlMatch = globalLiveSupportProviderChatConfiguration.apiUrl.match(/(.*)(\/chat.api.php)$/);
	if (!chatApiUrlMatch)
		throw new Error("Expecting 'chat.api.php' as last constituent of the chat api url!");

	/** @alias module:chatButtonParameters */
	var self = globalLiveSupportProviderChatConfiguration;

	 * Additional pre-defined key-string pairs which can override custom welcoming form fields.<br/>
	 * They are usually specified either directly as url parameters in the chat button link, or
	 * by the VisitorApi's startLiveChat command -- in both cases as <tt>paddfields</tt> parameter.
	 * For the <tt>paddfields</tt> syntax see the documentation there.
	 * @type {object}
	 * @example
	 * // loading the module
	 * require(['chatButtonParameters'], function(chatParameters)
	 * {
	 * 	// for the paddfields parameter being
	 * 	// "Ihre Postleitzahl : 00000 ; field2 : value2 "
	 * 	//	this will print out
	 * 	//	"Object {Ihre Postleitzahl : "00000", field2: "value2"}"
	 *	console.log(chatParameters.addFields);
	 *	// prints "00000" to the console
	 *	console.log(chatParameters.addFields["Ihre Postleitzahl"]);
	 * });
	self.addFields = reduce(pairToKeyValue, {}, predefinedFormFieldsArray);

	 * Same as {@link module:chatButtonParameters.addFields} but as array of pairs.<br/>
	 * E.g. <tt>[["Ihre Postleitzahl", "00000"], ["field2", "value2"]]</tt>
	 * @type {array}
	self.predefinedFormFieldsArray = predefinedFormFieldsArray;

	 * Chat session relevant pre-defined key-string pairs.<br/>
	 * They are usually specified either directly as url parameters in the chat button link, or
	 * by the VisitorApi's startLiveChat command -- in both cases as <tt>sessionfields</tt> parameter.
	 * For the <tt>sessionfields</tt> syntax see the documentation there.
	 * @type {object}
	 * @example
	 * // loading the module
	 * require(['chatButtonParameters'], function(chatParameters)
	 * {
	 * 	// for the sessionfields parameter being
	 * 	// "Ihre Postleitzahl : 00000 ; field2 : value2 "
	 * 	//	this will print out
	 * 	//	"Object {Ihre Postleitzahl : "00000", field2: "value2"}"
	 *	console.log(chatParameters.sessionFields);
	 *	// prints "00000" to the console
	 *	console.log(chatParameters.sessionFields["Ihre Postleitzahl"]);
	 * });
	self.sessionFields = reduce(pairToKeyValue, {}, sessionDataFieldsArray);

	/// documentation relevant code ///

	 * The yalst site id addresses a particular configuration of a group of operators on a
	 * yalst live support server. It is the basic management unit to access the live support
	 * capabilities on a yalst server.<br/>
	 * It's formatted as two numbers linked by a dash. E.g. <tt>"20000-1"</tt>
	 * @type {string}
	self.siteNumber = globalLiveSupportProviderChatConfiguration.siteNumber;

	 * The yalst operator department id pre-defined by the embedding web page.<br/>
	 * Is <tt>undefined</tt> if the chat is unspecified regarding departments.
	 * @type {string|undefined}
	self.department = globalLiveSupportProviderChatConfiguration.department;

	self.yalstFolderUrl = chatApiUrlMatch[1];

	return self;