Source: startLiveChat.js

 * startLiveChat.js
 * Created by Matthias Seemann on 14.01.2013.
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Visisoft GbR. All rights reserved.

define(['underscore', 'api/errorCodes', 'api/configuration', 'api/ManagedError', 'lib/DataFormats'
, 'lib/UserAgent', 'api/ChatObserver']
, function(_, ErrorCode, Configuration, ManagedError, DataFormats, UserAgent, ChatObserver)
	 * Modify the user agent platform detection
	 * @enum {string}
	 * @readonly
	 * @memberof LiveSupport.VisitorAPI
	var MobilePlatformDetection = {
		 * attempt to identify automatically
		 * @type {string}
		AUTO: 'auto',
		 * assume a mobile touch enabled browser
		 * @type {string}
		MOBILE: 'mobile',
		 * assume a traditional desktop browser
		 * @type {string}
		DESKTOP: 'desktop'

	 * additional parameters for the {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.startLiveChat} function
	 * <img src="images/additionalParameters.png" style="margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:20px;"/>
	 * @enum {{}}
	 * @memberof LiveSupport.VisitorAPI
	 * @version 2.0
	var additionalParameters = {
		 * Custom text of max. 80 characters, appears before the first chat line in the operator's
		 * chat view
		 * @type {string}
		comment: '',
		 * Determines the language of the visitor's chat view. A value of <strong>1</strong> corresponds to the default
		 * visitor language, while a value of <strong>2</strong> chooses the secondary visitor language as set in
		 * the *yalst* miscellaneous settings.
		 * @type {number}
		newlang: 1,
		 * Custom data in the form of key value data pairs.<br>
		 * Use this syntax: <tt>"field1: value1; field2: value2"</tt><br>
		 * The maximum length is 500 characters.
		 * This data is visible in the operator's chat view in the lower info pane about the chat partner
		 * @type {string}
		paddfields: "",
		 * When <tt>true</tt> the entry form the visitor has to complete in order to start the chat is skipped
		 * <em>added in version 2</em>. <strong>Note:</strong> Has no effect on the mobile chat
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @since 2.0
		direct: false,
		 * presets the visitor's chat name
		 * @type {string}
		visitor: '',
		 * specifies the origin of the chat for the operator.
		 * The default case is the URL of the web page.
		 * @type {string}
		pagetitle: ''

	 * creates a new live chat in a popup window on desktops or navigates to the touch optimized
	 * chat page of <em>yalst</em> on mobile browsers<br>
	 * To avoid popup blockers to interfere you should
	 * <em>call this method from the handler of an UI event</em>.<br><br>
	 * <em>Note for chats openend in popup windows:</em><br>
	 * In order to alleviate the risk of one visitor cramming the live support system
	 * with fake chats, creating multiple chats windows to the same site
	 * running in parallel from the same browser tab is not supported.
	 * Any attempt currently will result in a warning inside the already
	 * running chat popup.<br>
	 * To learn about the state of the chat popup window you can employ
	 * {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.ChatObserver}.<br><br>
	 * <em>Security information:</em>
	 * Currently the popup window will initially run under a <tt>http</tt> scheme event though
	 * the actual chat communication is carried out over <tt>https</tt>.
	 * @memberof LiveSupport.VisitorAPI
	 * @param {?string} [department=undefined] a particular yalst department id,
	 * if empty string any department otherwise the previously associated department id applies
	 * @param {?LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.additionalParameters} [customParameters=empty] parameters in the form <tt>{key1: value1, key2: value2}</tt>
	 * which become user-defined parameters of the chat window php-script
	 * @param {boolean} [withAutoTitle=false] associates the chat with the title of the current web page
	 * @param {(LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.MobilePlatformDetection|string)} [shouldDetectPlatform='auto']
	 * Flag overrides the internal mobile device detection
	 * @throws {LiveSupport.ManagedError} in case the
	 * {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.associateWithLiveSupportProduct}
	 * was not called before.
	 * @return {Boolean} true if the popup window was opened or the blocking of the popup by the
	 * browser could not be detected
	 * @example
	 * startButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
	 * 	if (!LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.startLiveChat(null, {paddfields: "Customer: 123456C; OrderCount: 4"})){
		alert("Please allow popups from " + location.hostname + " !");
}, false);
	function startLiveChat(department, customParameters, withAutoTitle, shouldDetectPlatform)
		if (!Configuration.configuration.IS_ASSOCIATED)
			throw new ManagedError(ErrorCode.ServerNotYetAssociated
				, "Illegal API use. Attempt to call a method before associated to a live support server.");

		var queryParameters = {site: Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_SITE
			, yinit : true
			, from: document.URL

		var sessionId = Configuration.getYalstSession();
		if (sessionId)
			queryParameters.cookie = sessionId;

		if ( (typeof customParameters == "object") && (customParameters !== null) )

		if (withAutoTitle)
			queryParameters.pagetitle = document.title;

		if ((typeof department == "string") && (department.length > 0))
			queryParameters.dept = department;
		else if ((typeof department != "string")
			&& (typeof Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_DEPARTMENT == "string")
			&& (Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_DEPARTMENT.length > 0))
			queryParameters.dept = Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_DEPARTMENT;

		if (typeof shouldDetectPlatform != "string")
			shouldDetectPlatform = MobilePlatformDetection.AUTO;

		if ((shouldDetectPlatform == MobilePlatformDetection.MOBILE)
			|| ((shouldDetectPlatform == MobilePlatformDetection.AUTO)
			&& UserAgent.sharedUserAgent().isMobile()))
			location.assign(Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_URL + "mobile/index.php?"
				+ DataFormats.urlQueryStringFromObject(queryParameters));

			return true;

		var originId = _.random(0, 100000000);


		queryParameters.visitor_api_msg_id = originId;

		var popupSize = { width : 550, height : 572 };

		var windowName = "livechat_"
			+ Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_SITE.replace(/\-/, '_');

		var insecureSchemeProductUrl =
			Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_URL.replace(/^(https:)?\/\//, 'http://');

		var popupWindow = + "index.php?"
			+ DataFormats.urlQueryStringFromObject(queryParameters)
			, windowName
			,"width=" + popupSize.width + ",height="	+ popupSize.height
				+ ",location=no,menubar=no,statusbar=no"
				+ ",scrollbars=no,dependent=no,screenX=20,screenY=20,left=20,top=20");

		if (!popupWindow)
			/// Popup-Blocker
			return false;

		if (popupWindow.opener==null)


		return true;

	return {
		startLiveChat : startLiveChat,
		MobilePlatformDetection : MobilePlatformDetection