* ChatObserver.js
* Created by Matthias Seemann on 17.01.2013.
* Copyright (c) 2013 Visisoft GbR. All rights reserved.
define(['underscore', 'lib/UserAgent', 'api/ManagedError', 'api/errorCodes', 'api/configuration', 'lib/asyncLoadElement'],
function(_, UserAgent, ManagedError, ErrorCode, Configuration, asyncLoadExternalSourceIntoElement)
* @type {ChatObserver}
var instance;
* @type {Element}
var iFrameTag;
* preparations for message reception completed
* @type {Boolean}
var isArmed = false;
* @type {function[]}
var readyCallbacks = [];
var LiveSupport = window[Configuration.configuration.GLOBAL_NAMESPACE];
* The central event publisher for all events the chat window sends.<br><br>
* <h6>LIMITED SUPPORT:</h6> ChatObserver requires a <em>yalst Business</em> edition<br><br>
* The chat window to be observed can be created by {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.startLiveChat} or by
* the regular <em>yalst</em> integration code.<br><br>
* There can be just a single instance of ChatObserver per page. <em>It must be
* accessed via {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.ChatObserver.asyncSharedChatObserver}().</em><br><br>
* IMPORTANT: Attempts to call this constructor will fail with an exception. (Singleton pattern)
* <br><br>
* <ul><li>will not work in Internet Explorer version 7 or older.</li>
* <li>will not work in Google Chrome if third-party cookies are blocked by the user</li>
* </ul>
* @class ChatObserver
* @constructor
* @memberof LiveSupport.VisitorAPI
* @throws {LiveSupport.ManagedError} in case if readyCallback is not given and
* <ul><li>the constructor is called more than once or</li>
* <li>the browser is not supported (IE 7 and older)</li></ul>
* @property {function()} onChatEvent Event handlers receive a single parameter
* which is in case of success a
* {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.ChatObserver.Event} or a {@link LiveSupport.ManagedError} in
* case of failure.
var ChatObserver = function()
this.onChatEvent = function(evt){};
this.urlRegExp = new RegExp("^(https?:)?\/\/([a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)+)([\\/?].+)?$");
this.productOriginDomain = this.urlRegExp.exec(Configuration.configuration.PRODUCT_URL)[2];
* @private
* @param {MessageEvent} event
this.postMessageEventHandler = function(event)
if (!event.data || !(event.data in eventByXOriginMessageEventKey))
var originDomain = this.urlRegExp.exec(event.origin)[2];
if ((event.origin == location.href) || (originDomain == this.productOriginDomain))
var sanityError;
if (typeof instance == "object")
sanityError = new ManagedError(ErrorCode.ForbiddenSingletonConstructorError,
"Invalid attempt to create another ChatObserver instance.");
var userAgent = UserAgent.sharedUserAgent();
if (userAgent.isIE() && (userAgent.version() < 8.0))
sanityError = new ManagedError(ErrorCode.UnsupportedBrowser,
"Method requires at least Internet Explorer 8");
if (sanityError)
if (readyCallbacks.length > 0)
while (readyCallbacks.length > 0)
readyCallbacks.shift().call(null, sanityError);
throw sanityError;
var shouldSendViaLocalStorage = (userAgent.isIE() && (userAgent.version() >= 9.0))
|| userAgent.isChrome() || userAgent.isNotBranded();
var shouldUseJavascriptHandler = userAgent.isIE() && (userAgent.version() < 9.0);
if (shouldSendViaLocalStorage || shouldUseJavascriptHandler)
* those origin ids written by yalst.js.php if no Visitor API is yet loaded
* @type {*|Array}
* @private
LiveSupport.VisitorAPI._registeredChatObserverIds =
LiveSupport.VisitorAPI._registeredChatObserverIds || [];
* name attribute of the helper iFrame must be identically named in "msgframe.html"
* @const
* @default yeventreceiver
* @type {String}
var FRAME_NAME = "yeventreceiver";
if (document.getElementsByName(FRAME_NAME).length == 0)
iFrameTag = document.createElement("iframe");
iFrameTag.name = FRAME_NAME;
(iFrameTag.frameElement || iFrameTag).style.display = "none";
(iFrameTag.frameElement || iFrameTag).style.cssText
= "width: 0; height: 0; border: 0";
, LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.configuration.PRODUCT_URL + "eventreceiver.html?"
+ encodeURIComponent(location.href)
, function()
isArmed = true;
while (readyCallbacks.length > 0)
readyCallbacks.shift().call(null, instance);
, document.body);
else if (document.getElementsByName(FRAME_NAME).contentWindow)
isArmed = true;
while (readyCallbacks.length > 0)
readyCallbacks.shift().call(null, instance);
isArmed = true;
while (readyCallbacks.length > 0)
readyCallbacks.shift().call(null, instance);
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("message", _.bind(this.postMessageEventHandler, this), false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onmessage", _.bind(this.postMessageEventHandler, this));
instance = this;
* observable events fired by the chat (popup) window
* @enum {string} Event
* @readonly
* @memberof LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.ChatObserver
ChatObserver.Event = {
* Event is fired when the (popup) window showing the start chat form appears.
* Event is silenced when the start form is skipped by specifying `direct=true` as
* additional parameter to {@link LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.startLiveChat}
open : 'open',
* Event is fired when the chat is started.
start : 'start',
* Event is fired when the operator joins the chat.
join : 'join',
* Event is fired when the chat is finished. This event is only delivered if the chat is
* closed by the operator or by the user through the inner close button.
* It does not fire if the user quits the popup using the window's system close button or
* closes the popup before the chat is started.
finish : 'finish'
* @private
* @param {array} ids
ChatObserver.addRegisteredOriginIds = function(ids)
if (_.isArray(ids))
* Registers an origin id which is broadcast by the popup window together with
* the particular chat events.
* @param {string} id
ChatObserver.addOriginId = function(id)
if (iFrameTag && isArmed && instance)
/// contentWindow is null when called in JsTestDriver environment from the traditional
/// yalst integration code....!!!
iFrameTag.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({addId : id}), "*");
LiveSupport.VisitorAPI._registeredChatObserverIds =
LiveSupport.VisitorAPI._registeredChatObserverIds || [];
* mapper between traditional 'yevent_' strings and the ChatObserver.Event enumeration
* @type {Object}
* @private
var eventByXOriginMessageEventKey = {
"yevent_chatwindowopen" : ChatObserver.Event.open
, "yevent_chatstarted" : ChatObserver.Event.start
, "yevent_chatrunning" : ChatObserver.Event.join
, "yevent_chatend" : ChatObserver.Event.finish
* Accesses and creates the single ChatObserver object.<br><br>
* If called for the first time depending on the user agent this method may load additional external
* resources to receive chat events. When this setup is complete the callback will be invoked
* with the ChatObserver object as parameter or in case of an error an {@link LiveSupport.ManagedError} object.
* @param {function} [resultCallback] called when ChatObserver is ready
* to receive and re-publish chat window events. It may receive an Error object in case of an error the single
* ChatObserver instance otherwise.
* @memberof LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.ChatObserver
* @example
if (chatObserverOrError instanceof Error){
chatObserverOrError.onChatEvent = chatEventHandler;
startButton.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
function chatEventHandler(evtOrError){
if (evtOrError instanceof LiveSupport.ManagedError){
if (evtOrError == LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.ChatObserver.Event.join){
startButton.style.visibility = "hidden";
startButton.style.visibility = "visible";
ChatObserver.asyncSharedChatObserver = /** @param {function} resultCallback */ function(resultCallback)
var callback = /** @param {LiveSupport.VisitorAPI.ChatObserver|Error} observerOrError */ function(observerOrError){};
if (typeof resultCallback == "function")
callback = resultCallback;
if (typeof instance == "object")
_.defer(_.bind(callback, null, instance));
else if (UserAgent.sharedUserAgent().isIE() && (UserAgent.sharedUserAgent().version() < 8.0))
_.defer(_.bind(callback, null, new ManagedError(ErrorCode.UnsupportedBrowser,
"Method requires at least Internet Explorer 8")));
else if (!Configuration.configuration.IS_ASSOCIATED)
_.defer(_.bind(callback, null, new ManagedError(ErrorCode.ServerNotYetAssociated
, "Illegal API use. Attempt to call the method 'asyncSharedChatObserver'" +
" before associated to a live support server.")));
new ChatObserver();
return ChatObserver;